Once you've created a buyer persona in Power Personas, download a PDF and upload it to ChatGPT (or any another platform).
Before you ask it to write an email or blog post, suggest white paper ideas, or do anything else, prompt the platform to incorporate the buyer persona by saying "This is a buyer persona for the audience I'm trying to target. Use these details, especially the messaging and content recommendations, when you generate marketing content."
Step 1. Generate PDF
Step 2. Upload to your AI platform
Step 3. Reference the Buyer Persona in your prompt
Step 4. Get hyper-personalized content
Step 5. Repeat for individual target audiences
Worst case, you’ll get a few posts, emails, articles, 1-sheets, sales scripts, etc. that are more personalized than they would have been otherwise.
Best case?
Study after study after study shows the same thing: marketing content that mirrors the audience it’s intended for performs significantly better.
(And if that all seems like too much, use coupon code POWERPERSONASUSER to get 50% off a subscription to CMO Copilot, which does all that for you.)